4435 Oakton Street
Skokie, IL 60076-3222
(847) 677-3330
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Bene Shalom
Mission Statement

Congregation Bene Shalom - Mission Statement
Providing an inspirational place for community worship and study
To worship G-d in the spirit of freedom with the understanding that we encompass a wide range of backgrounds and ideas about the nature of G-d
To cultivate love of Jewish traditions, understanding of our history and to have fun celebrating being Jewish together
To stimulate fellowship among the Jewish deaf and hearing people in all communities and to strengthen the bonds of loyalty with Jewish people in the United States, Israel and throughout the world
To promote and encourage brotherhood and sisterhood in society at large through our shared value that Judaism provides a way for us to be supportive to each other, Jew and non-Jew alike
An inclusive Reform synagogue welcoming Jew and non-Jew, deaf and hearing, individuals and families, various sexual orientations making it universally accessible
Celebrate Shabbat and religious holidays – Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Tu B’shevat, Purim, Passover, Shavuot
Be authentic in all of life’s events – Baby naming, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings, Anniversaries, Funerals
Foster Healing Prayer Group
Empower through Kabbalah meditation
Welcome, acknowledge and support Special Needs
Create an environment encouraging the interest of youth so as to ignite the opportunity for individual and societal growth
Be yourself. We like it that way. Everyone is welcome. Difference is valued.

Attributes & Credentials
Hybrid options for in-person or virtual participation
Weekly Shabbat Services
Monthly Havdalah Services
Monthly Kabbalistic Meditation
Monthly Healing Prayer Group
Recordings available on YouTube
Full selection of prayers and songs available on our website
Leadership and Staff
Full ownership of our building at: 4435 W. Oakton Street, Skokie, IL
Rabbi and Cantorial Soloist Charlene Brooks
ASL interpreted services and choir
Executive Director – Barbara Weiner
Facilities & Maintenance – Armando Rivera
Chicago Police Officers – Joel Bemis and Dino Amato
Congregation Bene Shalom’s Model
Board of Directors
President Laura Schwartz
Executive VP Ken Clinkman
VP Finance Ken Clinkman
VP Finance Mark Schwartz
VP Building Administration Bill Donets
VP Membership Marla Anderson
VP Public Relations Ina Winston
Recording Secretary David Freireich
Financial Secretary/Treasurer - Vacant
At-Large Member Gary Slutkin
At-Large Member Chris Malwitz
Friends Group –
Formed by an initial group of families committed to supporting an inclusive congregation. This devotion continues through the generosity of an annual endowment.
Haverah Groups –
Members with like interests gather for social events